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Sämtliche Orgelwerke III

Dubois Théodore
Schauerte-Maubouet Helga
525 kr
Complete organ works/L´Oeuvre d´Orgue
Organist at the Church "La Madeleine: Trois Pièces pour Grand Orgue (1890) / Messe de Mariage. Cinq Pièces pour Orgue (1891)


Théodore Dubois-Apercu biographique
Etapes de sa vie
Organiste de l'Eglise "La Madeleine"
Théodore Dubois-A biographical appreceiation:
Stages in his life
Organist at the church "La Madeleine"
Théodore Dubois-Eine biographische Würdigung:
Organist an der Kirche "La Madeleine"
Théodore Dubois (about 1880)
Théodore Dubois, bas-relief (about 1890)
The church "La Madeleine"
"Praeludium-grave", autograph, first page of the score
"Introduction tu Dubois III (Hosanna)", anonymous manuscript
"III. Hosannah! (Chorus magnus)", autograph, first page of the score
"III. Hosannah! (Chorus magnus)", first edition, first page of the score
Composer / Author:
Dubois, Théodore
Trois Pieces pour Grand Orgue (composed 1890):
1. Praeludium-grave
2. Adoratio et Vox Angelica
3. Hosannah! (Chorus magnus)
Composer / Author:
Dubois, Théodore
Messe de Mariage. Cinq pièces pour orgue (published 1891):
1. Entrée du Cortège
2. Bénédiction nuptiale
3. Offertoire
4. Invocation
5. Laus Deo (Sortie)
Rapport critique:
I. Abréviations
II. Principes éditoriaux
III. Sources
IV. Notes détaillées
Critical Report:
I. Abbreviation
II. Editorial policies
III. Sources
IV. Detailed references
Kritischer Bericht:
I. Abkürzungen
II. Zur Editionstechnik
III. Quellen
IV. Einzelnachweise