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Holy is the Lord: Worship Band Playalong Volume 2 - Vocal Edition - inkl ackomp. CD

Melodistämma, text och ackordanalys
200 kr
Come, now is the time to worship
Give Us Clean Hands
Hear our praises
Here I Am To Worship
I Give You My Heart
Let Everything That Has Breath
You alone
You're worthy of my praise

The Worship Band Play-Along series is a flexible tool for worship leaders and bands. Each volume offers five separate, correlated book/CD packs: Guitar, Keyboard, Bass, Drumset, and Vocal.

Bands can use the printed music and chord charts to play live together, and members can rehearse at home with the CD tracks. Worship Leaders without a band can play/sing along with the CD for a fuller sound. The eight songs in each volume follow a similar theme for easy set selection, and the straightforward arrangements are perfect for bands of any level.