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Twilight: Music From The Motion Picture (PVG)

Sång och piano/gitarr
305 kr
The Twilight soundtrack debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and topped the Rock Albums chart.

Illustrated with six pages of fantastic photos from the film, this PVG songbook contains Bella's Lullaby and 10 more tracks from alt-rock bands author Stephanie Meyer listened to as she wrote the novels.

Features the hits singles Decode by Paramore and Go All The Way (Into The Twilight by Perry Farrell, as well as songs by Muse, Linkin Park, Collective Soul, Mute Math and others, plus Never Think by British actor Robert Pattinson, who plays the movie's male lead.

Bella's Lullaby [Burwell, Carter]
Decode [Paramore]
Eyes On Fire [Blue Foundation]
Full Moon [Black Ghosts, The]
Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) [Newman, Daniel] [Farrell, Perry]
I Caught Myself [Paramore]
Leave Out All The Rest [Linkin Park]
Never Think [Pattinson, Robert]
Spotlight (Twilight Mix) [Mute Math]
Supermassive Black Hole [Muse]
Tremble For My Beloved [Collective Soul]