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Crystal Cathedral Golden Collection

Thallander Mark
430 kr
A MUST FOR EVERY ORGANIST -- AT CHURCH, AT SCHOOL, AND AT HOME! Fifty hymns for fifty years ... all in the dramatic Crystal Cathedral style ... and filled with historical pictures of the Cathedral organists, the organ consoles and the organ pipes! Most of these arrangements for congregational singing feature a brief introduction and a modulatory interlude with reharmonization. Many of these stellar settings have been previously published, but some are new, and this will allow you to have most of the hymns in one service in just one book ... at your fingertips ... and your organ console will maintain a clean, organized feel! Contributors include current senior organist Sean Groombridge and former Cathedral staff organists J. Christopher Pardini, Frederick Swann, Mark Thallander, Richard Unfried. Not only will you want this book for your sanctuary or worship center, but also you'll want copies for your chapel, choir room, music library, school, plus your home, as well! And, it makes the perfect gift honoring a special person in your life who is a musician and lover of great hymns! Stock up today!